It's free to start,
pay only when you scale!

You will not incur any charges for cloning and using the AI Assistant templates on BuildShip. You will only be charged on your own OpenAI, Claude 3, Azure, or other integrations you use in your workflows

BuildShip is free for 5 workflows with cloneable templates and unlimited nodes in your workflows

With 5 free workflows in your workspace, you can create AI Assistants on BuildShip without any API call limitations or database limits, and collaborate with your team for free. For more information on Rowy pricing, please visit our website.

APIs used will be billed based on usage

As part of these templates, you will be using your OpenAI, Claude or Azure accounts. These will incur charge on your account based on their usage.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about AIBots
What is BuildShip?
BuildShip is a low-code visual backend building platform that enables you to connect with any database or tools or AI models to build powerful bots easily. You get the best of nocode and lowcode. It also allows users to connect their own OpenAI API key to further build ideas securely and scalably.
How can I set up BuildShip?
To set up BuildShip, visit and sign up. You can also start fast using any of the templates available on BuildShip.
Can I tweak the logic of the assistant, the prompt, the connected data etc for my specific use case?
Yes you can take any template on BuildShip and edit it as you like. Every node, template is editable using code in JavaScript/TypeScript or with AI generated code. That means you can go from thinking about your idea in plain english and building it out visually step by step. When ready, hit ship to have a fully deployed version of your bot.
How can I invite my team members to collaborate on a BuildShip project?
With BuildShip, you can easily invite team members to collaborate on your project to build together.

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